THE DIRT STOPS HERE: Tips for Cleaning Your Backsplash

white kitchen backsplashLet’s face it – life gets messy sometimes! Whether its grease in the kitchen or toothpaste stains in the bathroom, it can be difficult to keep your tiled backsplash looking shiny and new. The good news is that most stains and messes can be taken care of using ingredients you have laying around the house! Read on for Stoneworks Granite & Quartz’s sure fire way to clean your backsplash.

Catch it Quick

In an ideal world, you would wipe up stains and messes right as they happen. Simply put, the longer the mess sits, the harder it’ll be to get off later. We know that this isn’t always feasible — especially when you’re trying to get food on the table for your busy family! However, if you aim to at least give your backsplash a quick wipe when you notice a splatter, you’ll save yourself some elbow grease down the road!

The Quick & Easy Clean

Most messes can be taken care of with warm, soapy water. Start by softening the grease or grime with warm water, and then use a sponge soaked in soapy water to buff away the dirt. Finish it off by drying the tiles with a dishtowel to remove any leftover residue that could attract dirt or dust.

The Tougher Stains

If soapy water doesn’t do the trick, you can try either a baking soda or white vinegar spot treatment. Combine equal parts warm water and baking soda and stir it into a paste. Apply the paste to the stubborn stain, and let it dry. Once dry, you can remove it with a soft dishcloth.

White vinegar is great for removing grease splatter and stains – simply combine equal parts warm water and vinegar into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the grease, and let it sit for approx. five minutes. Wipe off with a clean, damp cloth.
NOTE: no matter what you are using to clean your backsplash, make sure to do a spot test in an inconspicuous area first!

Cleaning Grout

Whatever cleaning solution you choose, you’ll want to make sure that is safe for both tiles and grout. Because of the textured nature of grout, it tends to hold onto messes. A great way to clean grout is by using the same cleaning solutions mentioned above, and applying it with a toothbrush. That will give you the extra scrubbing power necessary to get in all the nooks and crannies.

Stoneworks Loves to Help

While we can’t come out to your house and clean your backsplash for you, we can sure give you our best cleaning advice that we’ve collected from our customers over the years. The team at Stoneworks Granite & Quartz is always ready to answer any questions you might have about your backsplash. Give us a call today!